F5 Programmability Training > Class 2: Building Continuous Delivery Pipelines > Module 3: Stitching Workflows from Class 1 into new Orchestratable Collections Source | Edit on

Lab 3.1 - Files used and locations

The f5-super-netops-container is a self contained toolkit, meaning everything we need is already in the solution. It will also always be up-to-date, received either from restarting the container or running the update git clones scripts.

Task 1 - Review the super-netops-container files and collections used

  1. During the installation of the super-netops-container there were several github repositories cloned, all of which are mapped to the /home/snops/ directory.

Let’s make sure all repositories were mapped correctly.

Execute: cd /home/snops

The Collections we will be using are located here:

|- /f5-automation-labs
   |- /postman_collections
   |  |  f5-programmability-class-2.postman_collection.json
|- /f5-postman-workflows
  |- /collections
  |  |  /BIG_IP
  |  |      BIGIP_Operational_Workflows.postman_collection.json

The f5-newman-wrapper configuration files are located here:

|- /f5-automation-labs
   |- /jenkins
   |  |  /f5-newman-build
   |  |      f5-newman-build-1
   |  |      f5-newman-build-2
   |  |      f5-newman-build-5
   |  |  /f5-newman-operation
   |  |      f5-newman-build-3
   |  |      f5-newman-build-4