F5 Programmability Training > Class 1: Introduction to Automation & Orchestration > Module 1: Imperative Automation with the BIG-IP iControl REST API Source | Edit on

Lab 1.4: Basic Network Connectivity

digraph breadcrumb { rankdir="LR" ranksep=.4 node [fontsize=10,style="rounded,filled",shape=box,color=gray72,margin="0.05,0.05",height=0.1] fontsize = 10 labeljust="l" subgraph cluster_provider { style = "rounded,filled" color = lightgrey height = .75 label = "BIG-IP" basics [label="REST Basics",color="palegreen"] authentication [label="Authentication",color="palegreen"] globalsettings [label="Global Settings",color="palegreen"] networking [label="Networking",color="steelblue1"] clustering [label="Clustering"] transactions [label="Transactions"] basics -> authentication -> globalsettings -> networking -> clustering -> transactions } }

This lab will focus on configuration of the following items:

  • L1-3 Networking
    • Physical Interface Settings
    • L2 Connectivity (VLAN, VXLAN, etc.)
    • L3 Connectivity (Self IPs, Routing, etc.)

We will specifically cover the items in BOLD above in the following labs. It should be noted that many permutations of the Device Onboarding process exist due to the nature of different organizations. This class is designed to teach enough information so that you can then apply the knowledge learned and help articulate and/or deliver a specific solution for your environment.

The following table and diagram lists the L2-3 network information used to configure connectivity for BIG-IP A:

Type Name Details
VLAN Internal

Interface: 1.1

Tag: 10

VLAN External

Interface: 1.2

Tag: 20

Self IP Self-Internal


VLAN: Internal

Self IP Self-External


VLAN: External

Route Default



blockdiag Management Internal External (Float) (VIPs) BIG-IP A (Float) (VIPs) BIG-IP B Linux Server iWorkflow Linux Jumphost

Lab Topology

Task 1 - Create VLANs


This lab shows how to configure VLAN tags, but does not deploy tagged interfaces. To use tagged interfaces the tagged attribute needs to have the value true

Perform the following steps to configure the VLAN objects/resources:

  1. Expand the Lab 1.4 - Basic Network Connectivity folder in the Postman collection.

  2. Click the Step 1: Create a VLAN request in the folder. Click Body and examine the JSON request body; the values for creating the Internal VLAN have already been populated.

  3. Click the Send button to create the VLAN

  4. Repeat Step 1, however, this time modify the JSON body to create the External VLAN using the parameters shown in the table above. In order to do so you can replace the following:

    • name: Internal –> External
    • tag: 10 –> 20
    • interfaces[] --> name: 1.1 –> 1.2


  5. Click the Step 2: Get VLANs request in the folder. Click the Send button to GET the VLAN collection. Examine the response to make sure both VLANs have been created.

Task 2 - Create Self IPs

Perform the following steps to configure the Self IP objects/resources:

  1. Click the Step 3: Create Internal Self IP request in the folder. Click Body and examine the JSON body; the values for creating the Self-Internal Self IP have already been populated.


    The JSON body sets the VLAN to /Common/External on purpose. You will modify this value in the steps below. Please do not change the value.

  2. Click the Send button to create the Self IP.

  3. Click the Step 4: Create External Self IP request in the folder and click Send

  4. Click the Step 5: Get Self-Internal Self IP Attributes request in the folder and click the Send button. Examine the VLAN settings of the Resource. As noted above the Self IP has been assigned to the wrong VLAN (intentionally).


    Postman has the ability to check the responses for specific values to verify if the result of a request is what it is expected to be. The Test Results for this request will show a failure for the [Check Value] vlan == /Common/Internal value. This is intentional and you should continue to the next section.


Task 3 - Modify Existing Self IP Resource

In order to modify an existing object via the REST API, the URI path has to be changed. In the previous examples we used a POST to create Resources under a Collection, therefore, the URI used was that of the Collection itself. If you wish to update/modify a Resource you must refer to the Resource directly.

For example, the Collection URI for Self IPs is /mgmt/tm/net/self.

The Resource URI for the Self-Internal Self IP is /mgmt/tm/net/self/~Common~Self-Internal. Notice that the BIG-IP partition and object name has been added to the Collection URI to for the Resource URI.

  1. On the open Step 5: Get Self-Internal Self IP Attributes request change the request method from GET to PATCH. The PATCH method is used to modify the attributes of an existing Resource.


  2. Copy (Ctrl+c) the entire JSON RESPONSE from the previous GET request.


  3. Paste (Ctrl+v) the text into JSON Request body:


    Be sure to highlight any existing text and replace it while pasting.


  4. In the JSON body change the vlan attribute to /Common/Internal and click Send:


  5. Click the Step 6: Get Self IPs item in the collection. Click the Send button to GET the Self IP collection. Examine the response to make sure both Self IPs have been created and associated with the appropriate vlan.

Task 4 - Create Routes

Perform the following steps to configure the Route object/resource:

  1. Before creating the route, we double check the content of the routing table. Click the Step 7: Get Routes item in the collection. Click the Send button to GET the routes collection. Examine the response to make sure there is no route.
  2. Click the Step 8: Create a Route item in the collection. Click Body and examine the JSON body; the values for creating the default route have already been populated.
  3. Click the Send button to create the route.
  4. Click the Step 9: Get Routes item in the collection again. Click the Send button to GET the routes collection. Examine the response to make sure the route has been created.

Task 5 – [Service Provider] Route Domain and Partition

In this task we will perform basic Route Domain and Partition configuration.

Perform following steps to complete this task:

  1. Expand the Lab 1.4A - Route Domain & Partition in the Postman Collection
  2. Send the requests in Steps 1-10 and verify the expected result occured on BIG-IP A. For requests using the GET method you can review the response JSON body rather than using the BIG-IP GUI.
  3. Send the requests in Steps 11-18 to clean up the previously created Route Domain, VLANS and Partitions

All route domain and partitions should now be deleted. Please confirm this on BIG-IP A. Any configuration that remains from this task will interfere with cluster setup in the subsequent labs.