Module 4: Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery ====================================================== This Module will continue to build up our Infrastructure to a Self-Service or CI/CD goal. We will be building on the code that was utilized in the previous modules and labs, though now we'll use Jenkins to provide a CI/CD mechanism. This lab will also use Slack to notify users of changes going on in real time. Tools we will be using: - f5-newman-wrapper & previous workflows - The previous 5 wrapper workflows files will be executed, but from a Jenkins Pipeline - f5-super-netops-container - Continuing delivery of F5 configuration from a self contained toolkit - This version or **variant** of the container has Jenkins installed for you, this is depicted from tag associated to the Docker Image ``f5devcentral/f5-super-netops-container:jenkins`` - Slack - There has been a Slack channel already setup on your behalf, which we will all be monitoring for environment changes - Any person with an email address can join the Slack Channel. To join and view the transactions use - Jenkins - Jenkins is installed on the f5-super-netops-container, accessed via ``http://localhost:10000`` (Web) user credentials are ``admin/default`` From the previous labs you should already have your Super-NetOps-Container already running, if it's not please refer to Class 2 Module 2 on starting the service. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: lab*