Module 3: Creating Declarative Service Interfaces with iWorkflow ================================================================ .. graphviz:: digraph breadcrumb { rankdir="LR" ranksep=.4 node [fontsize=10,style="rounded,filled",shape=box,color=gray72,margin="0.05,0.05",height=0.1] fontsize = 10 labeljust="l" subgraph cluster_provider { style = "rounded,filled" color = lightgrey height = .75 label = "Provider" bigip [label="BIG-IP",color="palegreen"] iapps [label="iApp Templates\n& Deployments",color="palegreen"] iwf_templates [label="Service\nTemplates",color="steelblue1"] } subgraph cluster_tenant { style = "rounded,filled" color = lightgrey height = .75 label = "Tenant" iwf_catalog [label="Service\nCatalog",color="steelblue1"] iwf_deploy [label="Service\nDeployment",color="steelblue1"] } iwf_deploy -> iwf_catalog -> iwf_templates -> iapps -> bigip } Overview -------- In this module we will explore how to use F5’s iWorkflow platform to further abstract Application Services and deliver those services, with a **Declarative** interface to Consumers. When moving to an iWorkflow based toolchain it’s important to understand that automation in L1-3 (Device Onboarding, Networking, etc) and L4-7 (Deployment of Virtual Servers, Pools, etc) is separated and delivered by different features. Layer 1-3 Networking and Device Onboarding ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L1-3 Networking and Device Onboarding are highly specific to the particular environment the BIG-IP instances are deployed on. The onboarding process for various platforms and ecosystems is very different due to differences in the L1-3 capabilities and APIs of each platform. As a result F5 publishes specific documentation and guidance for each of these environments: - Public Cloud: - **AWS/Azure/GCP/etc.:** - Private Cloud: - **OpenStack:** - **VMware:** iWorkflow enables generic functionality in all of these environments by using a **BIG-IP Cloud Connector**. This connector allows iWorkflow to utilize BIG-IP devices running on any of these environments. .. NOTE:: F5 BIG-IP also supports integration with Container Ecosystems. However, in these environments iWorkflow may not be required. For more information you can refer to: - Container Ecosystems: - **Cloud Foundry:** - **Kubernetes:** - **Mesos Marathon:** - **RedHat OpenShift:** Layer 4-7 Application Service Delivery ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ L4-7 Application Service Delivery is accomplished by: - Consuming F5 iApp templates on BIG-IP devices and creating a Service Catalog (**Declarative**). - Consuming the iWorkflow REST Proxy to drive API calls to BIG-IP devices (**Imperative**). The labs in the module will focus on the high level features in place to achieve full L4-7 automation. As mentioned above, iApp Templates are a key component of the chain of linked tools (toolchain) we are building. In this Module we will focus on building a **Service Catalog** using the App Services iApp template you learned about in Module 2. The focus in Module 2 was to show how to deploy advanced configurations. However, a large amount of F5 **Domain Specific Knowledge** was still required to build each deployment. From a conceptual point of view, iApp templates alone do not fully satisfy the requirement for a fully **Declarative** interface because while the iApp template simplifies the underlying **Imperative** actions, it does not allow the administrator to build an **Interface** that minimizes or eliminates the need for **Domain Specific Knowledge**. For example, we deployed a service that enabled HTTP Traffic Management with an iRule attached and Profile Customizations. To the F5 administrator these are all very familiar terms, however, to a consumer, such as an Application Owner, the terms *Virtual Server*, *iRule*, *Profile*, etc. are foreign concepts. To solve this problem iWorkflow allows the administrator to create a **Service Template** that is an **Abstraction** of the iApp templates input fields. By doing this the F5 administrator can **create an interface tailored to the use case and knowledge level of the CONSUMER rather than the ADMINSTRATOR**, enabling full featured and complex Layer 4-7 Application and Security services that are tailored to business need and use case rather than the technical implementation. Additionally, the **Service Abstraction** achieved when creating the **Service Catalog** enables the easy integration of F5 services with third-party tools and methodologies such as DevOps. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: lab*